
Sula bird list

Brent Goose

Barnacle Goose

Greylag Goose

Pink-footed Goose

Tundra bean Goose

Greater White-fronted Goose

Whooper Swan

Common Shelduck

Northern Shoveler

Eurasian Wigeon


Northern Pintail

Eurasian Teal

Tufted Duck

Greater Scaup

King Eider

Common Eider

Velvet Scoter

Common Scoter

Long-tailed Duck

Common Goldeneye


Red-breasted Merganser

Willow Ptarmigan

European Nightjar

Common Swift

Common Cuckoo

Feral Pigeon

Common Wood Pigeon

European Turtle Dove

Eurasian Collared Dove

Water Rail

Red-necked Grebe

Slavonian Grebe

Eurasian Oystercatcher

Northern Lapwing

European Golden Plover

Grey Plover

Common Ringed Plover


Eurasian Curlew

Bar-tailed Godwit

Black-tailed Godwit

Ruddy Turnstone

Red Knot


Curlew Sandpiper



Purple Sandpiper

Little Stint

Eurasian Woodcock

Jack Snipe

Great Snipe

Common Snipe

Red Phalarope

Common Sandpiper

Common Redshank

Green Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

Common Greenshank

Sabine's Gull

Black-legged Kittiwake

Black-headed Gull

Little Gull

Common Gull

Great Black-backed Gull

Glaucous Gull

Iceland Gull

European Herring Gull

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Common Tern

Arctic Tern

Great Skua

Pomarine Skua

Arctic Skua

Long-tailed Skua

Little Auk

Common Guillemot


Black Guillemot

Atlantic Puffin

Red-throated loon

Black-throated loon

Great Northern loon

Yellow-billed loon

European Storm Petrel

Northern Fulmar

Sooty Shearwater

Manx Shearwater

Northern Gannet

Great Cormorant

European Shag

Grey Heron

Golden Eagle

Eurasian Sparrowhawk

Northern Goshawk

Western Marsh Harrier

Hen Harrier

White-tailed Eagle

Rough-legged Buzzard

Common Buzzard

Tengmalm's Owl

Long-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Eurasian Hoopoe

European Bee-eater

Eurasian Wryneck

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Grey-headed Woodpecker

Common Kestrel


Gyr Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Eurasian Golden Oriole

Lesser Grey Shrike

Woodchat Shrike


Common Magpie

Hooded Crow

Common Raven

Bohemian Waxwing

Coal Tit

European Blue Tit

Great Tit

Common Skylark

Greater Short-toed Lark

Common Sand Martin

Barn Swallow

Common House Martin

Long-tailed Tit

Wood Warbler

Western Bonelli's Warbler

Hume's Leaf Warbler

Yellow-browed Warbler

Pallas's Leaf Warbler

Dusky Warbler

Willow Warbler

Common Chiffchaff

Green Warbler

Greenish Warbler

Arctic Warbler

Sedge Warbler

European Reed Warbler

Marsh Warbler

Icterine Warbler

Common Grasshopper Warbler


Garden Warbler

Barred Warbler

Lesser Whitethroat

Eastern Ophean Warbler

Eastern Subalpine Warbler

Common Whitethroat


Winter Wren

Eurasian Treecreeper

Rose-coloured Starling

Common Starling

White's Thrush

Song Thrush

Mistle Thrush


Common Blackbird


Ring Ouzel

Spotted Flycatcher

European Robin

Thrush Nightingale

Common Nightingale


Red-breasted Flycatcher

Taiga Flycatcher

Pied Flycatcher

Red-flanked Bluetail

Black Redstart

Common Redstart


Stenjeger's Stonechat

European Stonechat

Northern Wheatear

White-throated Dipper

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

House Sparrow


Western Yellow Wagtail

Eastern Yellow Wagtail

Citrine Wagtail

Grey Wagtail

White Wagtail

Richard's Pipit

Meadow Pipit

Tree Pipit

Olive-backed Pipit

Pechora Pipit

Red-throated Pipit

Rock Pipit

Common Chaffinch



Eurasian Bullfinch

Common Rosefinch

European Greenfinch


Common Linnet

Common Redpoll

Parrot Crossbill

Common Crossbill

Two-barred Crossbill

European Goldfinch

Eurasian Siskin

Lapland Bunting

Snow Bunting


Ortolan Bunting

Little Buting

Rustic Bunting

Common Reed Bunting

219 species

Unidentified species:

Cory's-/Scopoli's Shearwater

Siberian-/Stejneger's Stonechat

Black-headed-/Red-headed Bunting

Booted-/Sykes's Warbler


Long-finned Pilot Whale

Harbour Porpoise

Grey Seal

Harbor Seal

Eurasian Otter

American Mink*

European Hedgehog*



Purple-edged Copper
American Copper
Holly Blue
Common Blue
Green Hairstreak
Small Tortoiseshell
Red Admiral
Painted Lady
Large White
Green-veined White
Small Emperor Moth

Agonopterix heracliana

Brown House Moth
Scalloped Oak
Barred Red
Common Health
The V-Moth
Yellow Shell
Autumn Green Carpet
Dark Marbled Carpet
The Chevron
Satyr Pug
Twin-spot Carpet
Northern Winter Moth
Chestnut-coloured Carpet
Juniper Carpet
Garden Carpet
Garden Tiger Moth
Ruby Tiger Moth
Dark Tussock
Mouse Moth
Broom Moth
Antler Moth
Glaucous Shears
Chersotis cuprea
Autumnal Rustic
Lesser Yellow Underwing
Large Yellow Underwing
Six-striped Rustic
Square-spot Rustic
Silver Y
Grey Chi
Dark Arches
Haworth's Minor
The Chestnut
Brindled Ochre
Rosy Rustic
The Brick
Barred Grass-veneer

Agriphila selasella

Large Grey
Pale Straw Pearl
Garden Rose Tortrix
Dotted Shade
Diamondback Moth
Bird-cherry Ermine


Cryptic Bumblebee
White-tailed Bumblebee
Northern White-tailed Bumblebee
Buff-tailed Bumblebee
Broken-belted Bumblebee
Garden Bumblebee
Large Red Tailed Bumble Bee
Field Cuckoo Bumblebee
Bohemian Cuckoo Bumblebee
Tree Bumblebee
Heath Bumblebee
Large Carder Bee
Common Carder Bee


Marmalade Hoverfly
Larger Spotty-eyed Dronefly
Plain-faced Dronefly
Furry Dronefly
Tapered Dronefly
Common Dronefly
Tiger Dronefly
Yellow-barred Peat Hoverfly
The Summerfly
Hairy-eyed Syrphus


Common Hawker
Black Darter
Common Blue Damselfly
Emerald Damselfly


Red-breasted Carrion Beetle

Nicrophorus investigator

Cantharis obscura

True Bugs

Birch Shieldbug